Page 137 - DHH Catalog
P. 137

Cam & Groove
                HYDRAULIC HOSE
                        .com ®

              Type F                              Type DC                            Type DP
              Male Adapter x Male NPTF            Dust Cap                           Dust Plug

                                                                                     Body       Item #          Price
               Body  NPT    Item #       Price
                                                  Aluminum                           3/4"        75-DP-AL
               1/2"  1/2"    50-F-AL
                                                  Body       Item #         Price    1"          100-DP-AL
               3/4"  1/2"    7550-F-AL
                                                  1/2"        50-DC-AL               1¼"         125-DP-AL
               3/4"  3/4"    75-F-AL
                                                  3/4"        75-DC-AL               1½"         150-DP-AL
               1"    1"      100-F-AL
                                                  1"          100-DC-AL              2"          200-DP-AL
               1¼"   1¼"     125-F-AL
                                                  1½"         150-DC-AL              2½"         250-DP-AL
               1½"   1½"     150-F-AL
                                                  2"          200-DC-AL              3"          300-DP-AL
               2"    2"      200-F-AL
                                                  3"          300-DC-AL              4"          400-DP-AL
               2½"   2½"     250-F-AL
                                                  4"          400-DC-AL              5"          500-DP-AL
               3"    3"      300-F-AL
                                                  5"          500-DC-AL              6"          600-DP-AL
               4"    4"      400-F-AL
                                                  6"          600-DC-AL              8"          800-DP-AL
               5"    5"      500-F-AL
                                                  8"          800-DC-AL              Brass
               6"    6"      600-F-AL
               8"    8"      800-F-AL             Brass                              Body       Item #          Price
              Brass                               Body       Item #         Price    1/2"        50-DP-BR
                                                  1/2"        50-DC-BR               3/4"        75-DP-BR
               Body  NPT    Item #       Price
                                                  3/4"        75-DC-BR               1"          100-DP-BR
               1/2"  1/2"    50-E-BR
                                                  1"          100-DC-BR              1¼"         125-DP-BR
               3/4"  1/2"    7550-F-BR
                                                  1½"         150-DC-BR              1½"         150-DP-BR
               3/4"  3/4"    75-F-BR
                                                  2"          200-DC-BR              2"          200-DP-BR
               1"    1"      100-F-BR
                                                  3"          300-DC-BR              2½"         250-DP-BR
               1¼"   1¼"     125-F-BR
                                                  4"          400-DC-BR              3"          300-DP-BR
               1½"   1½"     150-F-BR
                                                  5"          500-DC-BR              4"          400-DP-BR
               2"    2"      200-F-BR
                                                                                     6"          600-DP-BR
               2½"   2½"     250-F-BR             Polypropylene
               3"    3"      300-F-BR                                                Polypropylene
                                                  Body       Item #         Price
               4"    4"      400-F-BR                                                Body       Item #          Price
                                                  3/4"        PPH75
               6"    6"      600-F-BR                                                3/4"        PPP75
                                                  1"          PPH100
                                                  1½"         PPH150                 1"          PPP100
              Polypropylene                       2"          PPH200                 1½"         PPP150
                                                  3"          PPH300                 2"          PPP200
               Body  NPT    Item #       Price                                       3"          PPP300
                                                  4"          PPH400
               3/4"  1/2"    PPF50                                                   4"          PPP400
               3/4"  3/4"    PPF75                Dust caps and plugs are not to be used
                                                  in pressure applications for safety and   Dust caps and plugs are not to be used
               1"    1"      PPF100
                                                  environmental reasons.             in pressure applications for safety and
               1½"   1¼"     PPF125                                                  environmental reasons.
               1½"   1½"     PPF150
               2"    2"      PPF200
               3"    3"      PPF300
               4"    4"      PPF400
                                                                     SAFETY NOTICE: Cam and groove couplings should
                                                                      never be used for compressed air or steam service.
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